Green Smoothie

Green, green is the grass of home, Tom Jones informed us a few years back. And green are all the ingredients for this green smoothie, the most valuable part of which is the colour pigment chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll lends plants and subsequently foods made from them their green colour. It has quite spectacular properties: it converts sunlight into carbohydrates and it gives leaves their green hue. Chlorophyll delivers the necessary energy to grow - to plants but also to us humans. It's often called the blood of the plants because its chemical structure is similar to our own haemoglobin, which in turn makes our blood appear red. The big difference between the two: the core of haemoglobin is iron, that of chlorophyll magnesium.

Chlorophyll promotes wound healing, absorbs toxins and supports our metabolism. So bring on those green smoothies! When you start drinking green smoothies, they might taste a little bitter to your palate at first - they're a bit of an acquired taste - so add some more fruit until you're used to them, ideally around 60%. The health boost you're looking for you will chiefly get from the chlorophyll in the green ingredients however, and you should be aiming at those eventually making up around 70% of your smoothie, otherwise your healthy drink contains too much fructose.

I always pimp my smoothies with superfoods like goji berries, chia seeds or ginger. If you like it creamier, add avocado. I also really love to mix in some hemp protein, wheat grass or barley grass powder.
You can currently find this particular smoothie recipe (along with many others) on the excellent and beautifully curated Merkur Blog.

Christian tradition presents us with many culinary rules. In a number of countries, Maundy Thursday - the Thursday before Easter - is called "Green Thursday" and the custom dictates that only green vegetables should be eaten on that day: kale, green salads, spinach and the like.
And in my house? Green smoothie it is.


Green Smoothie

2 glasses


  • 2 generous handfuls of baby spinach (around 100g)
  • 1 orange
  • 4 kiwis
  • 1 small piece of ginger
  • juice of 1/2 a lemon
  • 10 leaves of mint
  • 350ml water


  1. Wash the baby spinach and mint and add to a food processor. Peel the orange, ginger and kiwis and add them as well, along with the lemon juice and water. Mix well.