Green Bowl with Matcha

Green is the colour of hope. Chlorophyll, the green pigment, is definitely a bearer of hope because it's chock-full of magical ingredients and isn't just essential for plants, but also for us humans. You can find it in my Green Bowl as well as in a refreshing matcha with ginger and nashi pear.

The word chlorophyll comes from the Greek for green (chloros) and leaf (phyllon). Chlorophyll gives plants their green colour and enables them to convert light into energy, a process also called photosynthesis.

Matcha is my in-between picker-upper. It tastes great, is loaded with antioxidants and tons of chlorophyll as well as many secondary metabolites like carotenoids and catechins, which, through their antioxidant properties, protect our bodies from harmful radicals.

In the production of matcha, the whole tea leaf is used, so all the vitamins, minerals and fibres of the green tea, which are normally extracted during processing, are preserved.

The basic structure of chlorophyll, contained in green vegetables as well as matcha, is similar to haemoglobin, which gives our blood its red colour, which is why in some languages, chlorophyll is also called plant blood. The big difference between the two: the core of haemoglobin is iron, that of chlorophyll magnesium.

Chlorophyll promotes wound healing, absorbs toxins and supports our metabolism. So bring on the green bowl and its refreshing companion, Carpe Diem's MATCHA (MATCHA von Carpe Diem)! This new sparkling drink, available to buy from April, is a carbonated mixture of matcha, ginger and nashi pear. A fresh, cool alternative to green tea and the like.

Disclaimer: The product featured in this article was provided free of charge. This is a sponsored post. 


Green Asian Zoodles with Refreshing MATCHA


Ingredients for the bowl:

  • 2 zucchinis
  • 2 spring onions
  • 1/2 stalk of lemongrass
  • 50g wild garlic or spinach or spinach
  • 8 stalks green asparagus
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 handful of cashew nuts
  • 2 TBSP sesame seeds
  • 1 TBSP honey
  • 2 TBSP sesame oil
  • 2 handful of soybeans (fresh or frozen)
  • 4-5 TBSP soy sauce
  • 2 TBSP fish sauce
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • mint for the garnish

Ingredients for the matcha:

  • 2 bottles of MATCHA Carpe Diem
  • 1 lime
  • 1 handful of mint leaves


  1. Wash the zucchini. Top and tail them and cut them into ribbons with a julienne or spiral peeler so you end up with zoodles. Rinse the zoodles with hot water for 30 seconds.
  2. Wash the spring onions and slice finely. Also slice the lemongrass very finely. Wash the garlic/spinach, spin dry and chop. Wash and halve the asparagus. Peel and slice the avocado.
  3. Roast the cashew nuts and sesame seeds in a dry pan until golden, add the honey and let them caramelise. Set them aside.
  4. Heat the sesame oil in a pan and briefly fry the spring onions and lemongrass. Add the zoodles and the garlic/spinach and fry for a minute. Then add the soybeans, deglaze with fish sauce and season with salt and pepper.
  5. Arrange the ingredients from the pan in a bowl with the avocado, season everything some more and garnish with mint.
  6. Wash the lime with hot water and slice finely. Wash the mint leaves, stir the MATCHA Sparkling Green Tea into a glass with mint and lime and serve with the Green Bowl.