Andrea’s Almond Cake
I'll tell you a little secret today. About 2 months ago, I received a lovely email from Andrea, the owner of the excellent Suppito. She found my blog and loved it, and could we maybe meet up. I immediately said yes, seeing that I was a huge Suppito fan and had spent an entire summer buying their delicious stews for lunch several times a week. Andrea told me that her third cookbook was due to be published in the autumn and that she wanted me to contribute the pictures.
Ich traute erst meinen Ohren kaum und war einfach sprachlos. Ein kleiner Traum ging in Erfüllung. Zwei Monate später bin ich nun schon fleißig am Shooten: Vergangenes Wochenende entstand dann dieser herrliche Mandelkuchen, den wir nach dem Fotografieren natürlich auch verzehrt haben. Ein Gedicht, sag ich euch. Natürlich musste dieser Traum von luftigem Mandelkuchen, der durch die Orangen sehr frisch schmeckt, auf meinen Blog. Übrigens ist er (wie könnte es anders sein) von Natur aus glutenfrei.
Das Suppito ist allgemein für mich und Leute mit einer Gluten- und Laktoseunverträglichkeit ein Traum, da keine der angebotenen Speisen Laktose oder Gluten enthält. Andrea, die auch Ärztin ist, hat nämlich selber Zöliakie.
Andrea's Almond Cake
- 1 TBSP freshly squeezed orange juice
- 1 tsp untreated orange zest (freshly grated)
- 8 eggs
- 300g ground almonds
- 130g and 100g fine raw cane sugar
- 1 TBSP maize crumbs
- 1 TBSP grape seed oil
- 1 dash of rum (38%)
- 1 pinch of ground cardamom
- 1 pinch of non-iodised salt (Altausseer Bergkernsalz, for example)
- Preheat the oven to 170°C (fan). Grease a cake tin with oil and line with maize crumbles.
- Grate the orange zest. Separate the eggs and whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt until they form soft peaks. Add 100g sugar and keep whisking until the egg whites appear shiny.
- Whisk 130g sugar and the egg yolks until they are creamy. Add spices and almond meal and mix well. Now fold in half the egg whites. This might be a little tricky because the batter is really sticky.
- Finally fold in the rest of the egg whites gingerly with a whisk - don't stir it all in, there should still be some egg white clouds still visible (this makes the dough fluffier). Pour the batter into the cake tin and bake in your preheated oven for 40 minutes.
- Let the cake cool down, dust with icing sugar and decorate with fresh berries before serving.