Waffle Breakfast Bowl
Waffles! They’re amazing! They don’t just look delicious, but also bring back beautiful memories. And they taste wonderfully fluffy and sweet.
Waffles! They’re amazing! They don’t just look delicious, but also bring back beautiful memories. And they taste wonderfully fluffy and sweet.
Happy Easter! And a lovely family Easter Brunch shouldn’t be without a great recipe I have for you today – or rather three: egg muffins in three variations: with ham, bacon or toast.
Nutella is so over. For the allergy-friendly Easter brunch, I’ve got a way healthier and more interesting chocolate cream alternative for you. With avocado – seriously? I know it sounds crazy, but it tastes divine!
An Easter brunch that agrees with you? Yes! And it has nothing to do with a family get-together that could end up in a screaming argument – quite the contrary. We’re talking about a brunch with something for everyone, whether you’re with the vegan, lactose-free or gluten-free tribe.
The one thing that’s really important to me when it comes to recipes? They must be unusual and creative. Additionally, I want to show that we all know and already cook with many foods which are naturally vegan, gluten-free and lactose-free and that these kinds of dishes are not only exciting but can also be delicious as well as healthy.
No, these aren’t biscuits – but they are still sweet and incredibly delicious: my quinoa rolls, made from red quinoa and dates. They are the ideal healthy between-meal snack for a long workday or for the kids at school. They will keep you feeling fuller longer and provide you with plenty of protein and fibre.
My trip to Sri Lanka was almost 4 months ago and I’m still feeding off it! It’s the travel destination on everybody’s lips and I can warmly recommend it to everybody. While I was there, I took part in an amazing wellbeing week hosted by a group called Paper Tiger and held at Talalla Retreat.
Porridge nourishes millions of people Porridge, Pap or mieliepap (Afrikaans for maize porridge) is a staple food in African countries. It is eaten as a main meal or a side dish and preparation varies depending on the geographical area. Food bloggers the world over, me included, have rediscovered porridge as a healthy, high-energy breakfast alternative. I myself of course prefer gluten-free and nutrient-rich maize for my porridge as well as a topping of fruit.
wir fuhren allein im dunklen automobil die ganze nacht, wir ruhten einander am herzen wir haben gescherzt und gelacht, doch als es morgen tagte, mein kind, wie staunten wir! denn zwischen uns saß amor, der blinde passagier. A rough translation: We drove in our dark automobile all night, just us We were very still in each other’s hearts We joked and laughed But when the morning came Child, how wondrous Sitting between us was Cupid A blind passenger
The other day, the ORF (Austrian TV and Radio) came over for a visit to look over my shoulder while I cooked, styled and photographed food. It was all pretty exciting. Kerstin Polzer (lovely wife of Oliver Polzer) and the camera guy arrived a little early and since I’ve been wanting to share my millet porridge with you for ages, this seemed like the ideal opportunity.
A deliciously rich feast for the palate during the holiday season This one must be one of the quickest and healthiest recipes I’ve ever come across. It happened after a 24-hour flight to Sydney: I was with my host family and completely jet lagged. I just wanted to go to sleep, but Alicia, my host “sister”, had already organised an elaborate coffee and cake affair with all her friends. One of the dishes on the table was the heavenly date loaf. That was last year, just before Christmas and this year, with Christmas just around the corner again, I couldn’t get this bread out of my head. I’ve never really tried making it myself before, but now that I have, I’m certain it will make a frequent appearance on my dinner table.
In April, I wrote about my amazing experience in Venice, where I attended Meeta K. Wolff’s and Jeanne Horak-Druiff’s Food Photography & Styling course. As a gift, we got the brand new Donna Hay cookbook called „Fresh and Light“. If you are familiar with her cookbooks, you know that the food pictures in her books are all very bright. In this book, the photographer and the stylist focused even more on the brightness of the pictures, which at the same time adds a lightness to the food. All the dishes are on white plates, with a white background and accompanied by white napkins.