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Pancakes with Coconut Milk

The other morning, I woke up craving sweet stuff. I was thinking of poppy seed cake, a fluffy pleated pastry with raspberry jam or similar. Of course I didn’t have any of those at home. Disappointed, I sunk back into my pillow for a few more minutes, when suddenly I had a great idea. Pancakes!

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From Quinoa to Millet to Polenta Porridge

There is a huge range of muesli and porridge recipes and myriad ways of preparing them. For the most part, our standard morning mueslis are quite plain: oatmeal or crunchy granola with milk and/or yoghurt, topped with berries. I like my porridge warm and extravagant, so every morning, I make my own individual, warm porridge variation. Here are four absolutely delicious, gluten-free and healthy porridge dishes featuring alternative grains. Definitely a health and energy boost to start the day!

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