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Down Under / AUSTRALIA

Australia isn’t just famous for its many great cafes and restaurants, it’s also an absolute paradise for foodies.

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Aloha 2018 – Poke Pizza

In my first blog post of the year, I’d like to talk to you about travel. Why? Because I love it. It has shaped who I am and I believe it has contributed much to me being the person I am today. Travelling is definitely my thing.


Summer Retreat in Salzburgerland

Last weekend in the countryside around Salzburg offered everything you could ever want from a summer holiday: lake swimming, riding in a boat, canyoning, picnics, BBQs, eating, hanging out and relaxing. The idyllic backdrop of Seeham and Seeleiten across the lake gave the participants lots of culinary inspiration. Between Friday and Sunday though, the guests were enjoying the Dolce Vita. Swimming in the Obertrumer lake was a refreshing break from the peaking temperatures and the stunning scenery was duly honoured and toasted to with copious food and drink.

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Salzburger Nockerln und Frühjahrsgletscherskilauf

Durchatmen. Genießen. Ein grenzenloses Freiheitsgefühl, das sich in meinem Körper breitmacht. Dazu dieses fantastische Panorama, die frische kühle Luft und die Sonnenstrahlen. Das Salzburger Land hat mich vergangenes Wochenende nach Zell am See und Kaprun eingeladen. Das über 3000 m hohe Kitzsteinhorn und die traumhafte Kulisse des Zeller Sees haben mich unheimlich beeindruckt. Begleitet wurden die traumhaften Tage in Salzburg von köstlichen Schmankerln auf Skihütten und ein köstliches Gänge-Menü im 2-Hauben-Restaurant Erlhof.


Pura Vida – One Month in Central America

A holiday that appeared endless did indeed come to an end and I can say in all honesty that I stepped out of my comfort zone many times this month…

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So fast, so good – Cargo Loading with Lufthansa

People from Frankfurt apparently like their green sauce, also called Grie Sos or simply Frankfurt Green Sauce. A visit to Frankfurt immediately confirms my suspicion that this type of sauce dominates menus across the city. Lufthansa Cargo invited three international food bloggers – one from New York, one from Paris and myself – to Frankfurt so we could learn more about regional cuisine in general and their huge and fascinating Perishable Center in particular. While at home, I decided to experiment a little bit myself and cooked one of my Grandma’s favourite dishes – nut roast with green sauce. But before we get into the recipe and Frankfurt’s regional delicacies, I want to tell you a little bit about our visit to the Perishable Center.

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Sago Porridge & Paper Tiger

My trip to Sri Lanka was almost 4 months ago and I’m still feeding off it! It’s the travel destination on everybody’s lips and I can warmly recommend it to everybody. While I was there, I took part in an amazing wellbeing week hosted by a group called Paper Tiger and held at Talalla Retreat.

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Kulinarik & Kunst mit Audi

Was ich mit dem Arlberg verbinde? Endlose Tiefschneepisten, die wunderschönsten Winterurlaube und natürlich Heimat. Auch wenn St. Anton bereits zu Tirol gehört, verbinde ich mit diesem Ort Heimatsgefühl. Vergangenes Wochenende durfte ich den Arlberg einmal in seiner vollen Sommerpracht genießen. Das bedeutet grasgrüne Wiesen und stolze Berge!


Culinary Delights at the Forsthofgut

It’s mostly the currently absolutely hellish temperatures that drive me from my beloved Vienna and into the countryside every weekend. I’ve already told you about my wonderful mini-break to Leogang – the multiple course menu, created by the Kirchenwirt chef and eaten in front of an absolutely stunning panorama of the Leoganger Steinberg mountains was an experience I won’t ever forget. No less impressive and relaxing: my stay at the Forsthofgut.

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Deluxe Cooking Class with Andi Schweiger in Munich

We’re different! Us food bloggers – we’re a very eccentric tribe. Every time I meet up with fellow foodies and spend an entire day talking about eating, food trends and food photography, I realise it anew. Last weekend, I attended a very special food blogger meeting in Munich where we all met up for a cooking class with Andi Schweiger. The participants were winners of the FoodBlog Award and this was our prize from the Berlin event last November.


Schnuraln in Salzburg Leogang & Salzburger Erdäpfel Nudei

SCHNURALN. Ever heard of it? I hadn’t until recently. Now, I’m not only familiar with the name, but I was lucky enough to have been asked to spend an entire weekend in the wonderful Leogang in Salzburg. Lucky bugger that I am, I was invited to the Pinzgauer mountains by the Saalfelden Leogang Tourisitk in order to eat the best multiple-course menus in the area, make my own soap, experience an E-Bike tour, go on a hike and, last but not least, attend a cooking seminar featuring local delicacies.

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Food Photography & Styling Workshop with Meeta K. Wolff & Jeanne Horak-Druiff

No, it’s not a new Foodtastic magazine – this cover was just the result of one of my tasks at the Food Photography & Styling Workshop in Venice last weekend. How great was combining a workshop like this with a nice holiday around Italian wine country and beautiful Venice. That’s what I love about Meeta K. Wolff’s workshops – she always chooses different destinations. I had to decide between Berlin and Venice and as I had been to Berlin quite a few times but never before to Venice, I thought that would be the place to be for my next food photography workshop.

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